How to invite people to write for your blog
On Zirkels inviting people to write on your blog is super easy. Let's see it.
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On Zirkels inviting people to write on your blog is super easy. Let's see it.
Last updated
It only takes a few clicks from your main dashboard to let other people write under your blog.
First, navigate over to the my blogs tab of your Zirkels dashboard. You'll find this under the main account section.
Scroll down to the very bottom of the page and you'll find a section for Blog invites.
Click on the new invite button and fill out the details.
First you need to pick the blog to which you want to invite a user to write on.
Then, look for the user that you wish to invite. If you want to let this user publish content - if you leave this unchecked they'll be able to create content, but not publish - check the is admin option.
Finally, we give blog owners the option of assigning to each particular author that they invite a unique author royalty. The default author royalty for your invitee will be whatever percentage you set at the blog level. However, you can negotiate a higher/lower percentage with each of your invitees.
Woalah! You're done.
It is now your invitee's turn to accept the invitation to write for your blog.
You can do this right within this same tab. A new invitation to write for a particular blog will show up under the blogs I can write for section.